Retortable flexible packagings are laminate structures that are thermally processed like can. Retort systems use steam or super-heated water to cook food in its own package, ensuring food safety.
Retortable flexible packs are packages which replace cans, for cooked and ready-to-eat foods. The materials of the flexible packaging provide superior barrier properties for a long shelf life, seal integrity, toughness and puncture resistance and also withstand the rigors of thermal processing.
High barrier flexible packaging structures containing aluminium foil, vacuum deposited metal coatings or “glass” oxide coatings (such as SiOx an AIOx), are impermeable except in regions where defects, cracks or pinkholes may be present.
Retortable pouches are flexible and very stable against external pressure can withstand a very rapid come-up rate or cooling.
The structure of the retortable pouch use today is made from a laminate of three materials: an outer layer of 12 μm polyester film for strength, an adhesive laminated to a middle layer of 9-18 μm aluminium foil as a moisture, light, and gas barrier, which is laminated to the inner layer of 76 μm polypropylene film as the heat seal and food-contact material.
Retortable flexible packaging
The Importance of Phytochemicals in Vegetables for Health
Plants contain thousands of bioactive compounds, known as phytochemicals,
that play a crucial role in promoting health and preventing disease. These